In BEZIRZUNGEN, the performers, each from their respective disciplines - dance, acting, music - embark on a search for archetypal ideas, the forms behind the forms. The scenes unfold in the enigmatic realm between movement and dance, sound and noise, breath and voice, history and symbolism, time and moment, the forgotten and the "always-there."
The symbolist paintings of women and corresponding photographic studies by Franz von Stuck (1863-1928) offer visually, as well as emotionally, a strong starting point for the choreographic work. Posture, looks, but also the mythological subjects and symbolism of the Bavarian draftsman and painter provide abundant material for the dance interpretation of these themes. Most remarkable are the gazes of the depicted, in which the inner life is bundled and condensed into that very moment, which the picture captures. Starting from this, the represented figure is to be recreated. Techniques of de- and reconstruction, composition and historiography are to give body to sound, voice to movement and motion to history.
' With seductive sensuality Rosalie Wanka gracefully bewitches the audience, traces the myth of the enchantress Circe. Or deconstructs that of the beautiful Helena into a bald goddess of war - as in Franz von Stuck's painting (...) '
' Mit verführerischer Sinnlichkeit "bezirzt" Rosalie Wanka anmutig das Publikum, spürt dem Mythos der Zauberin nach. Oder dekonstruiert jenen der schönen Helena zur kahlgeschorenen Kriegsgöttin – wie im Gemälde Franz von Stucks (...) '
Oberösterreich Nachrichten 09.03.2018
Idea I Concept I Choreography I Dance
Rosalie Wanka
Ana Topalovic
Laura Maire
Rainer Michaelis - www.filmoffice.de
Franziska Kokorsch
Funded by
Cultural Ministry of the City of Munich
with Museum Villa Stuck - Guests of Tanztendenz München
Premiere 2015 at Museum Villa Stuck Munich / DE
Festival Murten Classics 2017 / CH
Tanztage Labor 2018 at Posthof Linz / AT