Out of the pathological desire to fuse with the other emerges a bug. Without the ability of touching nor being touched. Beings that devour each other in order to get a hold of the other. In the process of digestion, they asume traits of the other and become one. United in their narcicism, inevitably alone. A skin under another skin, that makes them impermeable, impenetrable, immovable an autoreferencial. Skin-blind. They cover the lack of sensations with codified images. They dance on a battlefield, waiting for the invisible enemy.
Idea I Concept I Choreography I Interpretation
Cecilia Loffredo & Rosalie Wanka
Irina Wanka (german)
Alenjandro Dorto I Ricardo Baigorria (spanish)
Federico Mansilla
S. Freud, J. Lacan, F. G. Lorca
Tom Gopnsior - Paola Evelina
Supported by
Stadt Linz - Land OberÖsterreich
Redsapata Tanzfabrik - Guests of Tanztendenz München
Premiere 2014 at Redsapata Tanzfabrik Linz / AT
theater viel lärm Um nichts München / DE
Festival Experimantal Pata de Ganso Buenos Aires / AR
Centro cultural Melipal Esquel / AR
Festival Cambalache 2017 Buenos Aires / AR
Teatro Tercera Llamada 2019 Esquel / AR
Lichthof der LMU 2019 Munich / DE