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visual vibrations

Site-specific Duo - 20min

#signlanguage #hiphop #poetry #techno #insitu #outdoor


This performance is conceived as a gestual poem, referring to recurrent current topics (i.e. corona virus, fake news, conspiracy theories...) - a shamanic ritual, a digestion in movement of words we get bombarded with every day,in the media.


Rosalie Wanka (deafless) and Kassandra Wedel (deaf) use a mix of hip hop, poetry slam and german sign language in their performance, underscored by the beat of the group Uncertain Proportions.


Idea I Concept

Rosalie Wanka


Realisation I Choreography I Performance

Kassandra Wedel & Rosalie Wanka



Uncertain Proportions 



Paola Evelina



  • Premiere July 2021 Hoodwood Festival Neuperlach / DE

  • Played in over 15 locations in Munich's public space / DE

  • Theatre Schwere Reiter, Sept. 2021 Munich / DE

  • Festival Rodeo meets Freischwimmer 2022 Munich / DE

  • Czech - Bavarian PLATFORM June 2023 PRAGUE / CZ


Dieses Projekt wird gefördert vom Kulturreferat der Landeshauptstadt München.

Unterstützt durch das NATIONALE PERFORMANCE NETZ - STEPPING OUT, gefördert von der beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Rahmen der Initiative NEUSTART KULTUR. Hilfsprogramm Tanz


© 2024 Rosalie Wanka

Photo © Paola Gallarato

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"...and those who where seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music..."

F. Nietzsche

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